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  • Writer's pictureVeronica Smulders

3 things to do in Hatta

Winter season means outdoor adventure in this part of the world. Just what we need in current times.

Hatta, located just over an hour away from the city of Dubai, has earned increased popularity over the last years. Home to one of the most Instagramable lakes in the world, it has more than a pretty vista to offer its visitors.

Sports persons and families looking for a short getaway will find plenty of opportunities to fulfil their wanderlust crave in Hatta.

Hatta Kayak

Regarded as one of the most beautiful places in the UAE, the Hatta Dam offers a stunning sight of the lake (formed by a dam) with imposing mountains as backdrop.

There are different options to explore the lake, from kayaks (single 60 Dhs), pedal boats (ideal for small families 150 Dhs) and water bikes (single 60 Dhs) to electric boats for larger groups.

Hatta pedal boats available for renting

As there is no prior booking, we recommend you to go early to avoid queues and waiting time. The area opens as early as 7:00am and it’s a perfect plan for those who enjoy sports and nature.

More about Hatta Kayak:

Location HERE

Hatta Wadi Hub

An outdoor park, surrounded by mountain scenery, to enjoy a number of activities for individuals and families.

Wall climbing for kids at the Hatta Wadi Hub

Among the activities for kids are karting, small trampoline (small plunge), and rock climbing. Activities for adults include axe throwing, archery, and ziplining.

In warm days, activities such as zorbing (which use water ) and the drop in water slide are great alternatives.

For those nature seekers, hiking or mountainbiking along the winding wadis and at the foot of the Hajjar mountains is the ideal plan. There are several routes with varying levels of difficulty. The beginners trek is good for families based on our experience. Short horse rides are also offered.

No prior booking required. Tickets can be purchased at the reception in the location.

More information on Hatta Wadi Hub:

Location HERE

Hatta Bee Farm

An insightful close look into the world of bees. On arrival, you are provided with protective clothes to wear. After a short introduction video, the guided visit to the bee farm begins.

You will learn everything about bees, from their social organisation to the different types of hives used for producing honey.

Price per person: 50 Dhs

Prior booking is required as the visits are guided and in small groups.

And of course there is a small shop in case you want to take some fresh honey home.

More information about Hatta Bee Farm:

Location: HERE


Hatta Heritage Village – a few minutes from the Hatta Dam you will find the local heritage village.

If you haven’t visited one before, we recommend you do so. A reconstruction of typical houses and rooms, as well as different elements of society (dates production and defense). We visited at around 4pm right in time for sunset, so we enjoy a wonderful sight of the city from the top of the tower.

Location: HERE

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